
標題: 騷動樂團(Disturbed)【忿怒之拳(Ten Thousand Fists)】 [打印本頁]

作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 05:34 PM     標題: 騷動樂團(Disturbed)【忿怒之拳(Ten Thousand Fists)】

【專輯名稱】忿怒之拳(Ten Thousand Fists)
被Ozzy Osbourne讚譽為『金屬樂的未來』的芝加哥樂團繼冠軍專輯「Believe」後再度空降Billboard專輯榜第一名大碟
收錄Billboard主流搖滾榜No 5單曲"Stricken"與No 7單曲"Guarded"及翻唱英國經典團Genesis 86年暢銷作"Land Of Confusion"
專輯封面及內頁插畫由【Spawn(閃靈悍將)】漫畫創作者Todd McFarlanex操刀

開創新世代金屬/搖滾新風貌的芝加哥四人團體Disturbed,在傳統金屬光芒逐漸黯淡之時,仍堅持著重金屬樂精髓,一再突破成為重要指標性樂團,被搖滾大魔頭Ozzy Osbourn視為「金屬樂的未來」,除了音樂夠猛夠嗆,直接了當撞擊每位搖滾客身上鼓動不安的細胞,然而性格光頭大漢David Draiman獨特咆嘯怒吼式的犀利嗓音,則被形容為易於造成腦部瘀青和撞傷的致命男主唱,更在此暴戾之音發揮淋漓盡致中佔有極重要角色。  

雖然被歸類於Nu-Metal樂派,卻少了嘻哈/饒舌調調,多了份屬於金屬硬幫霸氣,並急起直追此一區塊的Korn、Limp Bizkit、System Of A Down等前輩。三位醉心於搖滾樂的好友Dan Donegan(吉他手),Mike Wengren(鼓手)及Fuzz(貝斯手),直到看上David Draiman為適合的主唱人選後,Disturbed在2000年發行英國權威搖滾雜誌Kerrang!五星滿分評價之首張大作「The Sickness」,不僅狂銷三百餘萬張,就連全美地下新生代搖滾群星,都聯手發行致敬翻唱特輯,可以窺見Disturbed的高度影響力,兩年後推出的「Believe」,發行首週立即空降全美專輯榜冠軍,輕鬆獲得白金銷售佳績。勢力範圍日趨龐大的Disturbed,提攜後進的發起名為「Music As A Weapon」搖滾巡迴演唱會,發酵出更強而有力的組組優異新貴,擴散於搖滾範疇中的強大士氣!  

就在所有團員偕同製作老搭檔Johnny K,回到錄音室準備新專輯的籌畫之時,一身金屬造型的貝斯手Fuzz突傳離團憾事,換上曾任Nu-Metal界新生代樂團Union Underground的John Moyer,合力譜出全新大碟「Ten Thousand Fists」。入選熱門足球電玩Madden 2006的開場同名主題曲"Ten Thousand Fists",在隆隆四起的吉他音牆堆疊金屬強化音頻,回歸早期火力全開的怒式唱腔,絕不令殷盼多時的樂迷失望;若還嫌氣味不夠鹹濕,試試接連衝入全美搖滾榜Top10的"Guarded"及再現"Stupify"重力加速度之快感的"Stricken",更能聽到Dan精湛飆速的吉他Solo;取樣布希在911事件發表之演講詞的"Deify"與爆發力十足的"I’m Alive",雖飽滿循環著厚重金屬聲線,交流出更為順暢的旋律,加深曲子的耐聽度;帶著剛出道時所呈現的重型搖滾佳曲"Sons Of Plunder",絕對有攻入搖滾榜之實力;繼翻唱Tears For Fears的"Shout"之後,此輯再次翻玩英國經典樂團Genesis 1986年的暢銷作"Land Of Confusion"。另外值得一提的是,專輯所有插畫全出自Spawn(閃靈悍將)的漫畫家Todd McFarlane操刀。

01 10,000 Fists
02 Just Stop
03 Guarded
04 Deify
05 Stricken
06 I'm Alive
07 Sons Of Plunder
08 Overburdened
09 Decadence
10 Forgiven
11 Land Of Confusion
12 Sacred Lie
13 Pain Redefined
14 Avarice
15 Monster [Bonus Track]

作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 06:26 PM

01 10,000 Fists


One more goddamn day when I know what I want
And my want will be considered tonight, considered tonight
Just another day when all that I want
Will mark me as a sinner tonight, I'm a sinner tonight, yeah

People can no longer cover their eyes
If this disturbs you then walk away
You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of
Ten Thousand fists in the air

Power un-restrained dead on the mark
Is what we will deliver tonight, deliver tonight
Pleasure fused with pain this triumph of the soul
will make you shiver tonight, will make you shiver tonight, yeah


We are the ones that will open your mind
Leave the weak and the haunted behind [4x]


Ten Thousand fists in the air
Ten Thousand fists in the air
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 06:34 PM

02 Just Stop

Just stop enough of the limitless critical comments on my life
Just drop the judgment and all of your pseudo-involvement in my life
Step back a moment, and look at the miracle starting in our life
Don't stop the moment, and let the incredible happen knowing that

All that you want is to criticize
Something for nothing
And all that I want is forgiveness one more time
To be the best in the world

Just stop with all of your little deliberate problems with my life
Enough of all the crippling, terrible pain we feel inside
Step back a moment, remember how the miracle started in our life
Take back the torment; I won't be enjoying this moment knowing that

All that you want is to criticize
Something for nothing
And all that I want is forgiveness one more time
I know that
All that we want is to feel inside
Some kind of comfort
And all that we've done
We can hide
We'll be the best in the world

All I ever wanted was to be a real source of compassion
From the moment that we found ourselves drowning in
All I ever wanted was to be a real source of compassion
From the moment that we found ourselves drowning in

All that you want is to criticize
Something for nothing
And all that I want is forgiveness one more time
I know that
All that we want is to feel inside
Some kind of comfort
And all that we've done
We can hide
We'll be the best in the world
We'll be the best in the world
Just stop enough of the limitless critical comments on my life
Just drop the judgment and all of your pseudo-involvement in my life
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 06:50 PM

03 Guarded

Guarding yourself from the love of another
Left you with nothing tonight
Why does it sound like the devil is laughing
Leaving me haunted tonight
You did decide

Now I want you, when you're gone, and now it's like
You're holding something just in front of me
Well then, I can't allow this to become another
One of those times that I'm left in the cold, dead
There's no compromise
Just another tie
I know I need to sever

Guarding yourself from the love of another
Left you with nothing tonight
Why does it sound like the devil is laughing
Leaving me haunted tonight
You did decide

Ever haunted, by the trappings of this life
Sweet redemption, just in front of me
Well now, it seems once again that I've lost another
One of the one's that have broke through the wall
Fate won't compromise
I have sold my soul,
And now the devil's laughing
You did decide

You were bold and strong, and ready to begin your life
All for nothing, you were sacrificed
You began alone, and so it will be when you die
All for nothing, will you be remembered?
You did decide

Guarding yourself from the love of another
Left you with nothing tonight
So now you know why the devil is laughing
He left you with nothing tonight
You did decide
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 06:52 PM

04 Deify

[Woman's Voice:] That's what I believe got him re-elected, is the people knew that you

could believe what he says.
[George Bush:] Our Country is strong, we go forward to defend freedom, and all that is good

and just in our world.

All my devotion betrayed
I am no longer afraid
I was too blinded to see
How much you've stolen from me

You want to know why I feel so horrified?
I've let my innocence die
You want to know why I can't be pacified?
You made me bury something
I won't be sleeping tonight

I only wanted a blessing made
Now I've been labeled a renegade
It seems so clear now what I must do
You're no immortal
I won't let them
Deify you
They view you as the new messiah
Deify you
Renew belief in some demented man

You want to know why it seems the passion's died?
We've all been living this lie
You want to know why my will's been fortified?
You've made me hunger again
Good luck sleeping tonight

I only wanted a blessing made
Now I've been labeled a renegade
It seems so clear now what I must do
You're no immortal
I won't let them
Deify you
They view you as the new messiah
Deify you
Renew belief in some demented man

All my devotion betrayed
I am no longer afraid
I was too blinded to see
How much you've stolen from me

Deify you
They view you as the new messiah
Deify you
Renew belief in some demented man
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 06:53 PM

05 Stricken

You walk on like a woman in suffering
Won't even bother now to tell me why
You come alone, letting all of us savor the moment
Leaving me broken another time
You come on like a bloodstained hurricane
Leave me alone, let me be this time
You carry on like a holy man pushing redemption
I don't want to mention, the reason I know

That I am stricken and can't let you go
When the heart is cold, there's no hope, and we know
That I am crippled by all that you've done
Into the abyss will I run

You don't know what your power has done to me
I want to know if I'll heal inside
I can't go on with a holocaust about to happen
Seeing you laughing another time
You'll never know why your face has haunted me
My very soul has to bleed this time
Another hole in the wall of my inner defenses
Leaving me breathless, the reason I know

That I am stricken and can't let you go
When the heart is cold, there's no hope, and we know
That I am crippled by all that you've done
Into the abyss will I run

Into the abyss will I run

You walk on like a woman in suffering
Won't even bother now to tell me why
You come alone, letting all of us savor the moment
Leaving me broken another time
You come on like a bloodstained hurricane
Leave me alone, let me be this time
You carry on like a holy man pushing redemption
I don't want to mention, the reason I know

That I am stricken and can't let you go
When the heart is cold, there's no hope, and we know
That I am crippled by all that you've done
Into the abyss will I run

Into the abyss will I run
I can't let you go
Yes I am stricken and can't let you go
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 06:56 PM

06 I'm Alive

Never again will I be dishonored
And never again will I be reminded
Of living within the world of the jaded
They kill inspiration
It's my obligation
To never again, allow this to happen
Where do I begin?
The choices are endless
Denying the sin
My art, my redemption
I carry the torch of my fathers before me

The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
To change myself, I'd rather die
Though they will not understand
I won't make the greatest sacrifice
You can't predict where the outcome lies
You'll never take me alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive

Change again, cannot be considered
I rage again, dispelling my anger
Where do I begin?
The choices are endless
My art, my redemption, my only salvation
I carry the gift that I have been blessed with
My soul is adrift in oceans of madness
Repairing the rift that you have created
I am not alone, brothers, give me your arms now

The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
To change myself, I'd rather die
Though they will not understand
I won't make the greatest sacrifice
You can't predict where the outcome lies
You'll never take me alive

I'm no slave
Are you feeling brave?
Or have you gone out of your mind?
No more games
It won't feel the same
If I hold my anger inside
There's no meaning
My soul is bleeding
I've had enough of your kind
One suggestion, use your discretion
Before you label me blind

The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
To change myself, I'd rather die
Though they will not understand
I won't make the greatest sacrifice
You can't predict where the outcome lies
You'll never take me alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 06:57 PM

07 Sons Of Plunder

Tell me you like it
Tell me you like it

You say you've found yourself a new sound
The shit's loaded and ready to go
A bit too much just like the old sound
Already heard it for the hundredth time
One hundred more, all have the same sound
Running around with all the sheep that you know
"It's so sublime, they're breaking new ground"
"They're sure to have another hit this time"

Come on
Can't you just leave it alone?
It doesn't have any soul
Just find a thing of your own
And stop pretending to know

As the countless numbers hunger for worldwide renown
All the pimping sons of plunder will roll up their sleeves
All searching for the answers they don't even care to know
Give it to me
Give it to me
You like it?

I'm still surrounded by the "new sound"
I've had enough and I'm ready to go
A strangle-hold throughout the world now
The new obsession will fade in time
A thin reminder of the past now
All convoluted hardly ready to go
Their whines and moans will never last now
I think you've given us our fill this time

Come on
Can't you just leave it alone?
It doesn't have any soul
Just find a thing of your own
And stop pretending to know


As it's blown apart, hundreds thrown away
Makes me question just what I believe
Brothers torn apart, mindless drones enslaved
Makes me search for an answer
I don't want to know
It's like a plague from below
Killing all that I know
One hundred voices the same
Drench their sorrow in flame

As the countless numbers hunger for worldwide renown
All the pimping sons of plunder will roll up their sleeves
All searching for the answers they don't even care to know
Give it to me
Give it to me
As the countless numbers hunger for worldwide renown
All the pimping sons of plunder will roll up their sleeves
All searching for the answers they don't even care to know
Give it to me
Give it to me
You like it?
Tell me you like it
Tell me you like it
Tell me you like it
Tell me you like it
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 07:00 PM

08 Overburdened

Fate is so unkind
Now I should have known
Blind leading the blind
Reaping what I've sown
If it all amounts to nothing
Why, then, am I standing in this line?

Hell is still overburdened
I must stand and wait in line
I may never know for certain
When will be my time
How was I considered evil?
Pleasures taken in this life
Someone granted me reprieval
Decades spent in strife

Led to nothing
Repeated in my mind
Led to nothing
If only I was born another time

Hell is still overburdened
I must stand and wait in line
Hell is still overburdened
How have I been so determined malign?

It's the closing of the curtain
In the play that was my life
Countless chapters left unopened
Tragedies inside
I was fighting for a reason
Holy blessed homicide
Seems I have committed treason
All I've sacrificed

Led to nothing
Repeated in my mind
Led to nothing
If only I was born another time

Hell is still overburdened
I must stand and wait in line
Hell is still overburdened
How I have been so determined malign?
Hell is still overburdened
I must stand and wait in line
Hell is still overburdened
How I have been so determined malign?

Fate is so unkind
Now I should have known
Blind leading the blind
Reaping what I've sown
If it all amounts to nothing
Why, then, am I standing in this line?

Hell is still overburdened
I must stand and wait in line
Hell is still overburdened
How I have been so determined malign?
Hell is still overburdened
I must stand and wait in line
Hell is still overburdened
How I have been so determined malign?
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 07:01 PM

09 Decadence

Say, yes they know that you fought yourself another time
Don't they know that you're full of pain already?
Yes they know that you've hurt yourself another time
Decadence isn't easy, is it?
Yes they know that you've hurt yourself another time
Don't they know that you're full of pain already?
Yes they know that you've hurt yourself another time
Decadence isn't easy, is it?

Then you slowly recall all your mind
Why, your soul's gone cold, and all hope has run dry
Dead inside
Never enough to forget that you're one of the lonely
Slowly recall all your mind

Say, yes they know that you've hurt yourself another time
Don't they know that you're full of pain already?
Yes they know that you've hurt yourself another time
Decadence isn't easy, is it?
Yes they know that you've hurt yourself another time
Don't they know that you're full of pain already?
Yes they know that you've hurt yourself another time
Decadence isn't easy...

Then you slowly recall all your mind
Why, your soul's gone cold, and all hope has run dry
Dead inside
Never enough to forget that you're one of the lonely
Slowly recall all your mind

If I scare you now
Don't run from me
I've been hiding my pain, you see
Said if I scare you now
Don't run from me
I've been hiding my pain, you see

Slowly recall all your mind
Why, your soul's gone cold, and all hope has run dry
Dead inside
Never enough to forget that you're one of the lonely
Slowly recall all your mind
Slowly recall all your mind

Say, yes they know that you've hurt yourself another time
Don't they know that you're full of pain already?
Yes they know that you've hurt yourself another time
Decadence isn't easy, is it?
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 07:10 PM

10 Forgiven

Forgiven to me
You're forgiven to me
You're just another dead man living to me
Forgiven to me
You're forgiven to me
How can you let a dead man live?

Forgiven to me
You're forgiven to me
You're just another dead man living to me
Forgiven to me
You're all giving to me
How can you let a dead man live?
Forgiven to me
You're forgiven to me
You're just another nightmare walking to me
You were driven to me
Now you're given to me
How can I let a nightmare live?

To be purified in fire
Anesthetic for the pain
As the final words erupt from your mouth
Who will remember your name?

Forgiven to me
You're forgiven to me
You're just another dead man living to me
Forgiven to me
You're all giving to me
How can you let a dead man live?
Forgiven to me
You're forgiven to me
You're just another nightmare walking to me
You were driven to me
Now you're given to me
No longer will the nightmare live


Walking the line that the world has drawn
Fighting for balance alone in the dark
Will you carry the burden the world has grown?
Will you destroy everything in your sight?
You alone can give this one more try
You alone will bury me tonight

To be purified in fire
Anesthetic for the pain
As the final words erupt from your mouth
Who will remember you now?
Who will remember your name?
Remember your name
Remember your name
(Forgiven to me, you're forgiven to me)
Remember your name
(Forgiven to me, you're forgiven to me)
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 07:11 PM

11 Land Of Confusion

I must have dreamed a thousand dreams
Been haunted by a million screams
But I can hear the marching feet
They're moving into the street

Now, did you read the news today?
They say the danger has gone away
But I can see the fire's still alight
They're burning into the night

There's too many men, too many people
Making too many problems
And there's not much love to go around
Can't you see this is a land of confusion?

This is the world we live in
And these are the hands we're given
Use them and let's start trying
To make it a place worth living in

Oh, superman, where are you now?
When everything's gone wrong somehow?
The men of steel, these men of power
Are losing control by the hour

This is the time, this is the place
So we look for the future
But there's not much love to go around
Tell me why this is a land of confusion

This is the world we live in
And these are the hands we're given
Use them and let's start trying
To make it a place worth living in

I remember long ago
When the sun was shining
And all the stars were bright all through the night
In the wake of this madness, as I held you tight
So long ago

I won't be coming home tonight
My generation will put it right
We're not just making promises
That we know we'll never keep

There's too many men, too many people
Making too many problems
And there's not much love to go round
Can't you see this is a land of confusion?

Now, this is the world we live in
And these are the hands we're given
Use them and let's start trying
To make it a place worth fighting for

This is the world we live in
And these are the names we're given
Stand up and let's start showing
Just where our lives are going to
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 07:13 PM

12 Sacred Lie

My conviction is stronger today
As I fight to uncover your sacred lie
And the fear isn't going away
As the soldiers still die
Let your followers know their lives have been sold
For the good of your sacred lie
For the truth to be told
And the plan to unfold
We must start asking why

Don't you know the war is far from over now
What a stumbling block we've fallen over now
As our brothers die defending no one
The war is far from over now

Liberation, a moral charade
For the cause is a part of your sacred lie
Damnation a moment away in all the world's eyes
It's the doom of us all
We give in to control for the sake of your sacred lie
Complications abound
You'll get used to the sound of alarms in your life

Don't you know the war is far from over now
What a stumbling block we've fallen over now
As our brothers die defending no one
The war is far from over now

Give us a moment of peace in our lifetime [x7]
Give us a moment of peace right now

Don't you know the war is far from over now
What a stumbling block we've fallen over now
As our brothers die defending no one
The war is far from over now
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 07:17 PM

13 Pain Redefined

Fading, falling, lost in forever
Will I find a way to keep it together?
Am I strong enough to last through the weather in the hurricane of my life?
Can it be a conscious decision?
That I look for ways to alter my vision?
Am I speeding towards another collision in the alleyways of my life?

Memories don't lie
You know better than
Memories don't lie
You know better than
Memories don't lie
You know better than
Those who have fallen in
Memories don't lie
You know better than
Memories don't lie
You know better than
Memories don't lie
You know better than
Those who have fallen in

Please believe me
That my eyes deceive me?
Don't stand me up
Just leave me
I have fallen again
This is the end
Pain redefined

Shaking, burning up with the fever
In the realm of pain, I am the deceiver
Now I lie to myself, so I can believe her
As she disassembles my life
I cannot dispel the illusion
All my hopes and dreams are drowned by confusion
Can I find a way to make a solution that will reconfigure my life?

Memories don't lie
You know better than
Memories don't lie
You know better than
Memories don't lie
You know better than
Those who have fallen in
Memories don't lie
You know better than
Memories don't lie
You know better than
Memories don't lie
You know better than
Those who have fallen in

Please believe me
That my ears deceive me
Don't stand me up
Just leave me
I have fallen again
This is the end
Pain redefined

And I know that stillness shatters
We have all been frightened by the
The sound of footsteps on the pavement of our lives
I stand and fight
I'm not afraid to die
Elochai, bury me tonight

Please believe me
That the world deceives me
Don't stand me up
Just leave
I have fallen again
This is the end
Pain redefined
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 07:18 PM

14 Avarice

Politics and evil
All one in the same
Satan hides behind a different name

Take these chains away
Free my hands from bondage
Can't explain away
Avarice will kill you in time

Violent upheaval
Cities drenched in flame
Wickedness we know we can contain


Who will we murder now
See what we are becoming
An onyx veil that filters out the light
I'll savour this anger
My hate makes me stronger

Free my hands from bondage
Take these chains away
Running from destruction
Avarice will kill you in time
作者: jk520    時間: 2012-3-2 07:20 PM

15 Monster [Bonus Track]

End this suffering

You made a monster of me
Through all your wicked lies
Forever tortured by you
Abandoned at death's door
Until I said no more

Don't look away
You're just a former regret of mine
And when you want, just look away
You're just a former regret of mine
Erasing now

You made a rock star of me
Gave me this wicked life
Paid to be tortured by you
A life I now abhor
And still I say, no more

Think over all of the shit in your mind
Think over and come to grip with it
Think over all of the shit in your little twisted sick mind, all said

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